“Little Picasso” classes will be taught at Newnan’s Summit Family YMCA Friday
mornings, 9:30-10:15 a.m. on Sept. 9, 16, 23 and 30. This parent and child class
will introduce children to the color wheel through artistic activities. Children
will paint, use clay and learn about primary colors, artists and techniques with
the Y’s certified art teacher. Practicing for the classes are (from left)
Chase, three-year-old son of Tarita and Robert Hamman; Aspyn, four-year-old
daughter of Zaida and Joe Sousa; and Katie, two-year-old daughter of John and
Rita Harmon. Those interested may contact Amy Girouard at 770-254-5923 or at
[email protected] or register online at ymcaregistration.com with class ID
number 69858. Photo/Special.