Golf event draws 170 players for YMCA fundraiser


Over 170 golfers turned out for the YMCA golf event at Canongate Golf Club under the giant golf ball in Coweta County on Oct. 3 to help raise funds for youth development.

“Every year our golf event helps us raise funds and friends in the community,” said Jeff Alevy, Executive Director of Summit Family YMCA that serves Coweta and Fayette counties. “This year the model was slightly different. We partnered with two other sister branches (Villages of Carver and The Andrew & Walter Young Family YMCA) to host our local event at Canongate I.”

The games locally were part of “the largest charity-driven golf event” in metro-Atlanta, according to Alevy. Over two days golfers played at four Canongate courses. Part of the greens fees were donated to the Y, courtesy of Joe Guerra, owner/operator of the Canongate clubs. Guerra also serves on the board of Metro-Atlanta YMCA.

“Where else could a business professional take a day away from the office, play golf with Y friends and, at the same time, send a child to camp or to a swim/tennis lesson or a youth leadership and development program. What an impact,” Alevy continued. “While the financial impact has not been fully calculated yet, it is safe to say that the fund-raising was a success.”

Golfers played on the Lee Course and the Roquemore Course before dining at a beef tenderloin buffet.

Winners on the Roquemore Course with a score of 53 were Michael Standard, George Hunnicutt, Dave Maddox and Dale Wheeler. Scoring 56 on the Lee Course, the winners were Gene Edens, Stan Parten, Buddy Fagan and Jason Edens.