Changes for Hwy. 85/Grady Ave. up for F’ville Council vote

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Changes for Hwy. 85/Grady Ave. up for F’ville Council vote

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The item that was to likely accompany the recent opening of the roundabout at Beauregard Boulevard and Grady Avenue in Fayetteville is set to be discussed Nov. 3 by the Fayetteville City Council. That item includes a revamping of the turn lanes from Grady Avenue onto Ga. Highway 85 South to accommodate the flow of traffic that has been enhanced with the completion of the roundabout.

The project includes a new right turn lane and a longer left turn lane on Grady Avenue as it approaches Hwy. 85 South from the direction of the roundabout. This is needed to prevent potential backups from the traffic signal on Hwy. 85 back to the roundabout, said city Public Services Director Don Easterbrook in an Oct. 21 memo.

Approximately $80,000 of the $125,000 project will be funded through the Georgia Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant program. The remainder of the project cost will be funded by local Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) and impact fee revenues.

Easterbrook said the right-of-way agreement with the Georgia Dept. of Transportation will have the city responsible for providing the right-of-way, maintenance and utility issues associated with the project.

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