Religion Briefs 01/04/12


Basics of Christian faith explored
The Rev. Mark Westmoreland, pastor of Fayetteville First United Methodist Church, will lead a study of the basics of the Christian faith beginning Wednesday, Jan. 4, and continuing for 16 weeks. The study is for New Christians, as well as seasoned believers, who have questions about the basics of the Christian faith. The class will end March 28. Cost of materials is $10. Contact the church office for more information, 770-461-4313.

St. Christopher plans benefit dinner Sat.
St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church  will hold its 9th annual Vasilopita/Covered Dish Dinner to benefit St. Basil’s Academy in Garrison, N.Y.  The event will be held this Saturday, Jan. 7, from 6-10 p.m. at the Gathering Place, 203 McIntosh Trail in Peachtree City.  There will be food, live auction of homemade Pitas and fun for all ages. The public is welcome. Bring a favorite dish, enough to share with six others.

GriefShare starts at Fayette Presbyterian
GriefShare, a 13-week Christ-centered support group for people grieving the death of someone close, will start again Jan. 8 at 2 p.m. at Fayette Presbyterian Church.  GriefShare is non-denominational and is open to anyone who has lost a loved one.  For information and/or registration call 770-461-7147.

Children’s Epiphany pageant planned
On Jan. 8 at 10:30 a.m. All Saints Anglican Church will present the Children’s Epiphany Pageant. All Saints meets at 225 South Peachtree Parkway in Peachtree City. Call the All Saints office for further information, 770-486-5374.

Youth worship to feature Christian band
Hopewell UMC will host a Youth Worship Evening on Jan. 8, at 6 p.m. Kyle O’Neal and his band (from The United Methodist Church at The Well in Cartersville) will lead in some contemporary Christian music to kick off the New Year. Youth are invited to bring their friends  The event is free but a donation for “Stop Hunger Now” will be collected. Contact Hopewell’s youth pastor, Shannon Karafanda ([email protected]), for more information. Hopewell is at 351 Jenkins Rd. in Tyrone, directly across from Sandy Creek High.

Prophetic service scheduled
Christ Discipleship Ministries (CDM), 114 W. Campbellton St., Fairburn, will host a Prophet Chambers Prophetic Service on Sunday, Jan. 8,  at 6 p.m. The speaker will be Prophet Timothy Frazier. For directions, contact the CDM office at 770-969-8370. No nursery or childcare will be provided.

Divorce Care starts Jan. 11 at PTCUMC
DivorceCare is a weekly seminar and support group for people who are separated or divorced. It’s a place where they can hear valuable information about ways to heal from the hurt of divorce. The new session will begin on Jan. 11 and will meet from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. weekly on Wednesday evenings at Peachtree City United Methodist Church, 225 Robinson Rd.  Sessions will be held in Room 300. For information, contact Susan McCormick (404-405-5343) or Kevin McCormick (770-891-1177).

Summit offers free tutoring
The Family Resource Center at The Summit Presbyterian Church offers free tutoring for elementary and high school students. Classes meet on Wednesdays, one from 4-5 p.m. and another from 5-6 p.m. Help is offered in math, reading, homework, science, and language arts. Tutors are supervised by certified teachers. To register, call 770-460-3335 or email [email protected].