The tempest over Tebowing; TSA travails


I’m confused about all the attention recently paid to Tim Tebow, as regards his religious faith.

While there are not many occasions in which I am asked if I’m a Christian, I do not hesitate to reply yes, if it comes up. While I have been on Atlanta television stations a few times over the last 25 or 30 years, the subject of religion was not the subject of the interview. But if it had, I would not hesitate to discuss the subject.

There are many professional baseball players that make the sign of the cross when coming up to bat, or when making a home run and crossing home plate. The action does not seem important enough to alert the media.

Tebow is a bit more vociferous but if not photographed at every instance, he would be left alone with thanking Jesus for what Tebow perceives as a personal favor from on High.

O.K. In Matthew 6:1, Jesus says “Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them; if you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”

But we also find in Matthew 5:14, “… let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Only Tim Tebow can decide which of those verses from the New Testament will he take to heart.

To quote Glenn Hannigan, editor of The North Georgia (Methodist) Advocate, “The big question: Are we more concerned with not offending anyone than boldly proclaiming the name of Christ? I’m not sure how history will judge Tim Tebow as an NFL quarterback, but in the big picture that will not be the judgment that matters.”

Though my two children grew up in Fayette County, one of them now lives in Denver and one lives in Oregon. No, I didn’t go to visit them at Christmas. TSA employees have hassled me for the past 10 years. They seem to want to pick on gray-haired grandmothers and 6-year-olds.

One of them once pulled my slacks forward and waved their little wand “down there.” They didn’t find anything; I really didn’t think they would.

I did attend a grandson’s high school graduation this past May. Grandchildren are, of course, exceptions to my “never flying again” rule.

They now have these new X-ray machines, and I thought, oh boy, if I go through one of those, I won’t have to be felt all over again. Going through the Atlanta airport, that was the case. Hooray.

Coming back, though, not so fortunate. I passed the X-ray test, as far as the machine goes, but evidently one of the TSA ladies hadn’t met her “feel” quota for the day.

When I mentioned I had passed the X-ray test, and these suckers see EVERYTHING, I was told I had to have an additional test, due to the fact that I had on long sleeves.

Isn’t life interesting?

[Carolyn Cary is the official Fayette County historian and the editor of the county’s first compiled history, “The History of Fayette County,” published in 1977. She lives in Fayetteville.]