8 Coweta schools recognized for high achievement

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8 Coweta schools recognized for high achievement

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Five Coweta County elementary schools, two middle schools and one high school on Jan. 17 were recognized by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) for high achievement during the 2010-2011 school year.

School system spokesman Dean Jackson said the schools were recognized Tuesday under Georgia’s Single Statewide Accountability System (SSAS), which awards schools based on their performance on state curriculum exams and their Adequate Yearly Progress status. Under SSAS, the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement awards schools that show excellence in student achievement and progress in student achievement, Jackson said.

Those receiving the recognition by GOSA and state school Superintendent John Barge included Arbor Springs, Brooks, Canongate, Jefferson Parkway, and Northside Elementary Schools, Evans and Smokey Road Middle Schools, and Northgate High School.

“We congratulate the staff, students and parents of these schools,” said Coweta School Superintendent Steve Barker. “Their hard work and dedication to student achievement continues to pay off.  These honors reflect their commitment to high student achievement.”

Jackson said the schools were honored on four levels – Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze – in two categories:

-Greatest Gains: Schools that show the greatest improvement in student scores on the Criterion referenced competency Test (CRCT) or the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT), or

-High Performance: Schools that demonstrated high student achievement on the CRCT or GHSGT.

For Greatest Gains:

-Evans Middle School and Northside Elementary School were both given Platinum awards for Greatest Gains, for making Adequate Yearly Progress for three or more years, showing 35 percent or more students  exceeding CRCT standards, and being in the 98th percentile or higher of gains.

-Smokey Road Middle School was given a Silver award for Greatest Gain, for making Adequate Yearly Progress for two or more years, showing 25 percent or more students exceeding CRCT standards, and being in the 96th percentile or higher of gains.

– Jefferson Parkway Elementary School was given a Bronze award for Greatest Gain showing 20 percent or more students exceeding CRCT standards, and being in the 95th percentile of gains.

For High Performance:

-Brooks Elementary was given a Gold award for High Performance for making Adequate Yearly Progress for two or more years, showing 35 percent or more students exceeding CRCT standards, and 97 percent or more of students meeting or exceeding CRCT standards overall.

-Canongate Elementary School, Arbor Springs Elementary and Northgate High School were given Bronze awards for High Performance for showing 20 percent or more students  exceeding CRCT or GHSGT standards, and 95 percent or more of students meeting or exceeding CRCT standards overall.

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