PTC to ponder priorities for $3 million in repairs


With $3 million in the bank for needed repairs and capital improvement projects, Peachtree City is in the process of sorting which ones should sail to the top of the priority list.

City Manager Jim Pennington told the City Council Thursday that a partial list would be available at the next meeting so council could digest the information and make the decision on which projects are addressed first.

Councilman Eric Imker said the city should be able to identify a “handful of projects” that are certainties, and he hopes they can move forward quickly.

Among the various projects are $405,000 in repairs to several city fire stations and fixes for ballfield restrooms, replacement of the surface at the All Children’s Playground, tennis court repairs and more.

Another project includes $100,000 for repairs to the cast house at the city’s amphitheater. Also on the plan is $500,000 to expand the parking lot at the city’s Baseball and Soccer Complex to its full capacity.

The bond will pay for capital expenses only, not for operating costs, city officials have said.

The city secured the bond financing at a rate of 2.16 percent thanks to the city’s excellent credit rating, city officials have said.

Part of the reasoning for using a revenue bond was because the city has run out of capacity for financing through its lease-purchase program, officials have said.