Senoia to hold retreat in late Feb.


The Senoia City Council will hold its 2012 retreat in late February. The two-day retreat will be open to the public and will be held in north Georgia at the Dillard House in Dillard. The meetings will cover new and existing ordinances, long-term plans for water usage, the structure of city government, parks and economic development.

Mayor Robert Belisle in stating a reason for the retreat to be held out of town said previously that having done so on a previous occasion had resulted in the council producing a substantial amount of work that had been beneficial to the city.

The retreat at the Dillard House will begin at 1 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 24. The day’s agenda will center on a variety of ordinance issues. Those include the alcohol ordinance as it pertains to public events, the Stone Lodge and Marimac Lakes Park and whether to increase the number of special event permits for non-profit organizations.

Other topics of conversation will be a Gateway ordinance, zoning specific to the Old Town areas such as lot size and minimum square footage requirements, clutter and historic preservation.

The Saturday meeting will run all day. The morning’s topics will include long-term plans and solutions pertaining to water and discussions on city personnel and the structure of city government as it applies to issues such as the city administrator, public involvement in government functions and performance and measurement standards by department.

The Saturday afternoon session will cover the topics of parks and economic development.

The parks portion of the afternoon will include discussions on the priorities and scope of implementation of the Parks Master Plan and multi-use trails as a joint project of the parks and economic development endeavors.

And under the retreat section on economic development, council members will discuss a long list of topics pertaining to commercial and industrial development, future parking needs and plans, economic development updates, residential development, destination activities, wireless internet access and the film industry and a city development director.

Council retreats in any municipality customarily offer a wide range of topics that can be discussed in length but for which no vote can be taken.