PTC to weigh study for Robinson-Redwine intersection


Peachtree City officials are heading back to the drawing board to perhaps scale back an engineering study for improvements to the intersection of Robinson and Redwine roads.

The intersection has a failing level of service for the peak morning hour, primarily due to school traffic, said City Engineer David Borkowski.

Although there are funds available for an engineering study, there’s nothing on hand to pay for construction of any improvement, Borkowski said. The idea is to find out if council wants to proceed with the study, knowing there isn’t any money available for construction, or if it wanted to take the $30,000 and apply it towards other SPLOST projects such as city street resurfacing, Borkowski said.

One possibility is to add multiple turn lanes to the intersection without a traffic light at this point, because the traffic figures don’t meet the threshold for installing a signal, Borkowski said. An engineering study would show how much land is needed to add the turn lanes and how many trees would need to be taken out, he added.

The city will be reaching out to county officials for accident information, as Redwine Road is in the county and the sheriff’s department handles crashes at the intersection.

Councilman Eric Imker suggested scaling back the engineering to only add a left-turn lane on Robinson Road as it approaches Redwine, which he thinks will alleviate much of the traffic backup. Borkowski said he would look at that concept, although he’s not sure if that would work well without a traffic light at the intersection.

Imker said he also wants to take another look at adding a right turn lane to the western leg of Crosstown Road as it approaches Peachtree Parkway. Borkowski said he would bring that data back to council at a future date as well.

Imker said he felt the city could cheaply add the turn lane and improve traffic backups that occur on Crosstown Road generally only during one hour in the evenings.