Providence teens join world hunger cause


This Friday and Saturday, teens from Providence United Methodist Church will join the efforts of hundreds of thousands of young people all over the nation who will set aside the usual “stuff” that fills their daily lives. Instead, they will do World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine because they say they want to “Overcome Hunger with Love” – the theme for this year. By going without food, they get a taste of what the world’s poorest children and families face every day.

Prior to the event weekend, students raised funds knowing that every $30 they raise can help feed and care for a child for a month.

In addition to raising funds for the hungry, Providence students will spend the night in a cardboard city to experience what it’s like to be homeless and will end their fast with a meal of rice and beans on Saturday.

As part of the Famine, Providence students will be preparing the new Jubilee Community Garden for spring planting. Providence is opening the garden to anyone who wants to grow organic fruits and vegetables to feed their own families or to help feed those in need.

Throughout the spring and summer, food grown in four garden plots tended by Providence students will be donated to the Fayette Samaritans and the Real Life Center to help feed the hungry in our community.

For more information about the 30 Hour Famine or the Jubilee Community Garden, contact student ministers Brent Ritter, [email protected], Jono Moehlig at [email protected] or call the church office, 770-719-8800. Providence is at 592 Bernhard Road between Redwine Road and Ga. Highway 85 in southern Fayette County.