PTC Police patrols to be out in force this St. Patrick’s Day


If you plan to get behind the wheel after too much celebrating this St. Patrick’s Day, Peachtree City law enforcement officials have some simple and sage advice for you: “Don’t do it!”

Police will be out in force all day and all night in a highly visible enforcement campaign to crack down on revelers who are driving drunk.

“We encourage everyone who plans to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this year with alcohol to keep in mind our anti-drunk-driving campaign slogan, ‘Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving,’” said Sgt. Brad Williams.

“If you’ve had too much to drink, make sure you can rely on a sober, designated driver to get you home safely, or download the Georgia Sober ride application for your iPhone or Android phone.,” he said.

According to statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, during St. Patrick’s Day 2009 37 percent of the motor vehicle traffic fatalities involved at least one driver or motorcyclist with a blood alcohol content of .08 grams per deciliter or above, the legal level of intoxication established in every state in the union.

During St. Patrick’s Day 2009, there were 103 crash fatalities. Of that number, 39 people were killed in traffic crashes involving at least one driver or motorcyclist with a BAC of .08 g/dL or higher.

“Alcohol not only dangerously impairs your driving skills, it also impairs your judgment. If you see friends under the influence of alcohol, make sure you don’t let them get behind the wheel,” said Sgt. Williams.

Sgt. Williams recommends the following easy steps for a safe St. Patrick’s Day.

• Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin.

• Before drinking, please designate a sober driver and leave your car keys at home.

•Call a cab.

• Use the GOHS sober ride app for a possible free ride home.

If you happen to see a drunk driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact your local law enforcement.And remember, if you know people who are about to drive or ride while impaired, take their keys and help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely.

For more information, visit or contact the Peachtree City Police Department.

If you have any questions concerning this or any other of the department’s traffic safety programs, please contact any member of the Community Response Team at 770-487-8866. If you have traffic related concerns, questions, or complaints please feel free to call 770-487-8866.

By the way, for police purposes, St. Patrick’s Day is defined as the period from 6 p.m. on March 16 to 5:59 a.m. on March 18.