Ognio announces for commission


Most people are unaware we are having a very important primary election in Fayette County on July 31. Most county officials are elected in the primary, not the general election.

We have had a series of unfortunate and costly votes from both our Board of Education and our Board of Commissioners over the last decade.

Ask anyone who has followed the secret shift to the construction of the unpopular West Fayetteville Bypass and the tens of millions of our tax dollars that have been wasted and they will tell you just how important it is to elect the right person to the county’s Board of Commissioners.

Transparency has been a huge issue with the Board of Commissioners. I started attending the meetings a couple of years ago because things were going on that I did not fully understand.

I have to admit that I was shocked at the contracts that were approved without bids and the deficit budgeting that occurs year after year.

We’ve got to get back to basics and communicate with the citizen taxpayers. We’ve got to listen to the people. We’ve got to lead responsibly. We’ve got to make some tough decisions and actually balance the budget.

We must continue to elect people who are working for the good of the entire community. No more career politicians working the system. Working people, working to make things right is our recipe for success in Fayette County.

We have two commissioners who are fighting a tainted system. I agree with their stance on no mass transit in Fayette County. I agree with their opposition to the West Fayetteville Bypass. I agree that we need to stop deficit budgeting.

We need a majority on the Board of Commissioners thinking that way and I will be the critical third vote.

As a business owner working in and for a family owned and operated business for the past 38 years, I have learned much from personal experience.

A business owner is the last to leave if there’s work to be done, and the last to get a paycheck if funds are short.

A successful business owner is willing to work long hours to maintain the integrity of his business because he knows he is the business.

I have already been taking the time to attend the commission meetings and to speak up for sound management of our local government.

I am asking you elect me to Board of Commissioners Post 3 on July 31 and allow me to protect our county from special interests.

On many levels running a business and working as a County Commissioner are the same, but your heart has to be in the right place.

The problem in Fayette County is similar to that of most communities: the “good-old-boy,” “politics-as-usual,” “scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours” politicians are ensconced in the political infrastructure.

The people are upset and we have seen some significant changes in the last couple of elections. It is time to finish the job.

We have had to endure paying for empty schools, roads to nowhere and ridiculous SPLOSTs. I will vote the way you and our neighbors want the commissioners to.

Randy Ognio

candidate for County Commissioner, Post 3


Fayetteville, Ga.