Stokely to run for Dist. 71 House seat


Coweta County Solicitor Robert Stokely announced Wednesday that he will be qualifying in May for the Dist. 71 seat in the Georgia House of Representatives currently held by Billy Horne (R-Sharpsburg). Horne will not be seeking re-election and Stokely believes this is the time to continue his public service. District 71 includes much of the east Coweta County area and a small portion of Fayette County.

Sworn in January 2005 after winning the seat held by Lynn Westmoreland after Westmoreland won the Dist. 3 seat in Congress, Horne said his decision not to seek re-election was essentially a way of imposing term limits on himself.

As solicitor in Coweta County, Stokely was first elected in 1998 and has held the position since that time.

“During my time as solicitor I have been involved in the legislative process given that so many laws were passed that affected my job,” Stokely said. “I love serving the public and the timing of Billy Horne’s announcement gives me an opportunity to seek to continue serving in a role where I have the experience to represent the 71st House District in the State Legislature. It is a job I want to do and a job where I can be a voice representing the views of the 71st District.”

Stokely in noting a number of his core beliefs and positions said he will accept no contributions or gifts from political action committees, lobbyists or special interest groups. He also expressed belief that, when it comes to education, “Parents and their children deserve choices and the State of Georgia has the authority to fund such options.”

Also weighing in on the issue of taxation, Stokely said citizens are, “Taxed Enough Already. Too much actually. Government spends too much of your money on things government either does not need to do or does not need to be involved in.”

When it comes to personal responsibility Stokely said those people who are willing to work for what they get should not be saddled with the never-ending appetite for more by those who don’t want to work.

“Those on welfare should be required to earn it unless they have a demonstrated medical disability that prevents them from working,” Stokely said, adding that those receiving state-funded benefits of any kind should be subject to drug testing.

The qualifying period for this and other local and state races is May 23-25 and will be followed by primary elections on July 31.