Commissioner Hearn: Fayette is doing a lot right these days


Many contracts that Fayette County has for goods and services have options for one-year renewals. If both parties are satisfied with the service and price, there isn’t a problem with renewing the contract.

Please remember that our purchasing department works every day to ensure that we spend the taxpayers’ dollars wisely and honestly.

I want the citizens to know that Fayette County hired one of the best transportation planning firms in the metro area in 2003 to conduct a transportation study.

An important part of the study was to recommend projects that would help meet the growing demand on our road network with our projected growth. The West Fayetteville Bypass was one project recommended by our experts.

I want to remind our citizens that I left my job as [Fayette County] Public Works Director in May of 2007 and was not a part of the decisions being made until I took office as commissioner in January 2009.

When I took office in January 2009, Jack Smith’s Board of Commissioners had relocated phase one of the WFB to line up with Huiet Road. I was not a part of that decision.

I would point out that this section of the WFB also is the section which affects the Lester property.

I am puzzled how my challenger could accuse me of wrongdoing on this matter as I was not a part of the Fayette County government when this decision was made.

I am truly sorry for the properties that have been negatively impacted by the WFB. I am also sorry for the properties that were taken for the construction of Lake Horton, but I am certainly glad we have the water to meet our needs for years to come.

I believe Fayette County is doing much right these days. We have tightened our budget and managed it well during this time of declining revenues. We have built a $12,500,000 reserve during the past 5 years in preparation for these tough economic times.

Our Finance Department routinely wins budget awards, our library is second to none, and our emergency services is world class.

As an example or our forward thinking, Fayette County is offering an early retirement to its employees which will save the county $800,000 annually if we have one-half of the employees eligible take the offering.

Fayette County has saved several million dollars the last two years by refinancing the Justice Center and Water System debts.

We are being proactive and continue to work hard at making sure Fayette County is managed well.

Having served 10.5 years as the Public Works Director and now 3.25 years on the Board of Commissioners, I realize how important it is to look at the big picture and strive to make improvements to our government.

In these challenging times we need leaders that don’t mind making tough decisions and having the strength to carry on even when there are skeptics.

The future is too important for anything but positive,strong, clear leadership. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your District 3 commissioner.

Lee Hearn

[email protected]

Brooks, Ga.