Religion Briefs 04/18/12


Jewish feasts to be discussed at Crosspoint
What do the Jewish Fall Feasts have to do with the New Testament?  Murray Tillis of Light of Messiah Ministries in Atlanta will answer that question as he presents “The Gospel in the Jewish Fall Feasts” at Crosspoint Community Church, 300 Tivoli Garden, Peachtree City, on Sunday, April 22 at 10:30 a.m. At 6:30 p.m., Tillis will present  “Jesus in the Passover,” showing  how Jewish people celebrate Passover today. Call for more information, 770-631-0996 or visit

Russian group to perform at COS
Lyra, a vocal ensemble from St. Petersburg, Russia, will present a concert at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church on April 26 at 7 p.m. The five singers will perform Russian sacred music and folk songs. They will sing 30 concerts in seven states this spring. They also concertize throughout Western Europe and Scandinavia. There is no admission charge, but an offering will be collected to defray the group’s expenses.

FPC Spring Fling is April 28 downtown
Fayette Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville will host its “Annual Spring Fling” on Saturday, April 28, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.  The event will be held at the Downtown Fayetteville Square  Gazebo and Fountain Area (in front of the Government Complex).  It is open to the public to enjoy the musical band, booths for games, free rides and popcorn, information and, food and beverages will be available.  A door prize drawing will be held every hour (tickets $1). Those attending are requested to bring a non-perishable item for donation to the Fayette Samaritans.

Inman’s golf tournament is April 28
The Inman United Methodist Men’s Group will host its Second Annual Friendship Golf Tournament (4 Person Scramble) at Griffin Country Club on April 28, beginning at 9 a.m.  There is a $50 entry fee with proceeds going to help fund Inman United Methodist Youth Mission Trips.  To sign up or for additional information, contact Ed Roehm, 770 855-5273, or by email, [email protected].

Senoia churces to observe NDoP
Senoia area churches will host a prayer event on May 3 at noon as part of the National Day of Prayer. The event will take place at the gazebo at the end of Main Street across from Senoia Coffee & Cafe. Leaders from area churches will offer prayer. Senoia United Methodist Church will open its sanctuary for persons to enter for prayer on the day from 9:30 a.m. until 7 p.m. Anyone who wishes to spend time in prayer may enter and pray as briefly or as long as they desire. Senoia UMC is at the corner of Bridge Street and Seavy Street in Senoia.