Man busted for credit card thefts from cars parked at a north Fayette church, daycare


A recent arrest by Fayette County deputies illustrates why you should never leave anything of value in your parked vehicle, even if it’s a credit card and even if you parked at a church or daycare.

Investigators arrested Clifton Jermaine Bradford, 35, of Rex May 22 and charged him with entering auto, financial transaction card theft, and financial identity fraud in cases dating from last fall.

“This case involves Bradford illegally entering into vehicles at the Fayetteville Presbyterian Church and the Head Start Daycare, both in north Fayette County, where he stole items from inside to include the victim’s credit cards. Bradford illegally used the stolen credit cards after the theft,” according to Investigator Brent Rowan, public information officer for the Fayette COunty Sheriff’s Department.