Fayetteville First UMC will host summer music camp July 9-13


The Fayetteville First United Methodist Church’s Music Academy will offer a summer music camp Monday through Friday, July 9-13 from 9 a.m. until noon.

The camp is for kids starting kindergarten through those starting sixth grade. The cost is $60 before June 30.

Rising kindergarten through rising first grade kids will have a set curriculum including ryhthm, handbells, and singing.

Rising second grade throughsixth grade kids can choose from wind/recorder, strings I and II, chimes/handbells, percussion, movement, set design/ensemble, and solo/ensemble.

Classes are taught by Joyce Aycock, Heidemarie Kufchuk and Delacey Wilkins.

Registration forms are available in the Welcome Center at the church.

For more information, contact Joan Aycock, FFUMC children’s music coordinator, 770-461-4313 or 770-861-4499.

The church is in downtown Fayetteville across the street from the old Fayette County Courthouse.