Who is this man? Sign grabber caught on video


A candidate for the Post 1 seat on the Fayette County Board of Education said a video camera has captured the image of someone who took one of his campaign signs … and from the candidate’s home in Tyrone, no less.

Barry Marchman provided the video to The Citizen which shows what appears to be a bespectacled white male pulling the sign up from the ground. While the video quality is not high-definition by any means, it provides enough detail to likely identify the culprit.

The video was captured by a video camera designed to capture wildlife which is often referred to as a “game cam.”

Marchman is running against fellow Post 1 candidate Scott Hollowell to fill a four year-term as one of five members on the Fayette County Board of Education.

The video in its entirety can be viewed on The Citizen’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/mycitizen. The direct link to the Facebook-posted video is: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=3836246276048