This past election gave us another vote on the commission in favor of the citizens of Fayette County!
The runoff on the 21st is the most critical for ensuring the continued work to balance the budget without raising taxes, as was proposed in the last workshop.
David Barlow has consistently done his best to ensure that the citizens had the ability to see what is happening in their government. He has been to, and videoed, every commission and workshop meeting since I have been in office, and is totally devoted to our citizens to help give our county government back to the people with complete openness! His videos not only are available to the citizens of our county, but to theworld as well.
David has a great deal of business experience in governmental court reporting and related transcription and filmography.
Randy Ognio is a very concerned citizen who has successfully managed his own business for over 30 years. He too, has attended all meetings, and tried his best to get his message of budget and bidding processes and problems to the attention of the commission. He has made many astute observations involving wise stewardship of the budget.
Over the past two years, both David and Randy have frequently made well reasoned public comments to the Board of Commissioners regarding specific Fayette County issues. I believe that they both of these men have decidedto set their personal lives and businesses aside on the behalf of the citizens of Fayette County.
I have come to know both of these men well, share their belief in God, and am fully confident that both would make the most outstanding new commissioners we could have.
Get your friends and neighbors out to vote for these men and the citizens of Fayette County!!!!
Commissioner Allen McCarty
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