Dana Lamb, a music teacher and director of the fifth grade orchestra at Cleveland Elementary School, will lend her ear and talents to leading a new chorus for middle school aged girls this year. Arete (pronounced “ah-ri-tay”) Chorus, is a non-denominational chorus that will be based at Providence United Methodist Church in Fayetteville.
“Arete is a Greek word meaning virtue, blessing and excellence,” said Lamb. “All traits we hope to see in the girls.”
The chorus will have an open house this Sunday at the church from 1-3 p.m. Lamb wants to be sure that people know they aren’t out to poach members for their church. In fact. the hope is to take the chorus on a church tour next year so that all the girls can perform before their home church. One of the main goals of the chorus is to provide another place to sing.
“I’ll never forget the sound when I sang with over 70 other kids at music school,” Lamb recalled. “That sound was majestic and unforgettable. I look forward to the girls in this chorus hearing that sound and power.”
The chorus will also have a mentor artist-in-residence, Nashville recording artist Mandy Thomas Summerall.
“Any chance I get to work to help empower today’s tweens and teens, I am all about that. Today’s girls need to know that there is a God who loves them and has a tremendous plan for their lives. I’ve seen it unfold in miraculous ways in my own life and I want to share that with them,” said Summerall.
She will be at Sunday’s open house and the girls will sing some of her songs this year. Lamb stated that the girls will perform music from a variety of genres and that the songs the chorus will sing will be filled with positive lyrics and messages. The girls will also get positive messages about life from women in the community at rehearsals.
The fee for the chorus is $109 or $99 for those who register with a friend. The deadline to register is August 26. Rehearsals will take place Mondays from 6:30-8 p.m. at Providence United Methodist Church starting Sept. 10 and following the Fayette County school calendar.
The chorus will have one holiday performance and one spring performance with hopefully more performances scheduled throughout the year.
For more information on Arete Chorus, visit www.aretechorus.com or e-mail [email protected].
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