Fayetteville Council ponders city reorganization


A fundamental reorganization of city government in Fayetteville is underway.

Proposed changes that would make organizational changes while eliminating a number of unused positions and consolidating others will be considered at the City Council meeting on Thursday night.

The reorganization is due in part to the more than a dozen long-time city staff set to retire and to the volume of work in some departments that has decreased due to the recession.

Some positions will be unaffected, some will be consolidated and others not being utilized will be eliminated.

Among the positions being eliminated are accounting coordinator, engineering technician trainee, senior maintenance crew leader, senior engineering technician, chief code enforcement officer, special projects coordinator, public works crew supervisor, assistant director of public works and director of planning and economic development.

City staff on Thursday is expected to report on the cost savings generated by the reorganization and the proposed changes to the pay scale. Pay scale changes and the consolidation, including the upgrading, of some positions is expected to be more than offset by the savings that will be generated from those retiring and from the number of positions proposed for elimination.