COS will feature commissions, children’s choir


Liz Bunker and Nita Willoughby will be commissioned as Stephen Ministers on Sept. 23 at all worship services (8:30, 10:50, 11 a.m.) at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City. They have completed more than 50 hours of training, the first portion of a two-year commitment to provide individual care to someone experiencing a crisis. They join a team of 20 active Stephen Ministers at Christ Our Shepherd, where the ministry has been offered for more than 25 years.

The Shepherd’s Flock Singers will lead worship at 11 a.m. These singers are all in grades 1-5. They assemble every Wednesday to sing, play handbells or choir chimes, and learn about worship. On Sunday they will sing two anthems from the choir loft while functioning as the service choir. All are invited.