FCBoE wants online survey input on superintendent search


The Fayette County Board of Education is asking citizens for their input in the search for a new superintendent to replace Dr. Jeff Bearden. A recent mutual termination agreement between Bearden and the school board will result in Bearden serving through December.

School system spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach said the Georgia School Boards Association, which will be assisting the board with the search process, has developed a survey for stakeholders to give input on the qualities they feel are important for the next superintendent to possess.

Berry-Dreisbach said the survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete, and can be accessed by going to the Fayette County Public School System website at www.fcboe.org

The board will use the information as they interview potential candidates for the superintendent position, and make their final decision on who will lead the school system, Berry-Dreisbach said.

Berry-Dreisbach said stakeholders are encouraged to participate in the survey in order to help the board find the best person possible to fill the superintendent position. The survey will remain on the website until the interview process begins, she said.