It began in 1999 with a conversation, and a dream, between David and Tracy Bergmann at their kitchen table. Today, Peachtree City-based NAECO, LLC is celebrating continued growth in its electrical contacts business that includes an expanding list of national and international customers and has provided more than 20 local jobs.
A number of elected officials and community leaders joined NAECO employees and other guests on Sept. 27 for the official unveiling of the company’s expanded facilities on NAECO Way in Peachtree City. It was at the unveiling that David Bergmann and several NAECO staff gave an overview of the company’s operations, shared their thoughts on the company’s genesis and its continuing expansion and provided a tour of the facilities. The excitement in their voices and on their faces was unmistakable.
A former engineer and manager with Siemens, David and and his wife Tracy evolved the idea of forming an enterprise that would supply electrical contacts for switches and power distribution systems used in aerospace and military systems and those used in industrial and residential applications.
The company’s small beginnings in 1999 led to a move to its first facility totaling 800 square feet in 2005. By 2007, sales had increased dramatically and the company hired two new employees.
Sales in the following years continued to show a rapid increase and led to the hire of additional employees. In 2011, NAECO moved to its current facility on 13 acres in the Southpark Industrial Park in Peachtree City. NAECO outfitted the first 2,500 square feet to its needs, then more recently expanded the operations to include another 4,000 square feet. And throughout the expansion, even more jobs were created.
David Bergmann is his remarks noted the genesis of the company’s operations. It began with paying other companies to manufacture the electrical contacts that would be re-sold. But more recently, NAECO decided to manufacture the parts on-site. Far from a complete evolution, Bergmann said the company is now engaged in materials research and has opened its new metallography lab.
The Sept. 27 celebration was also the occasion for Bergmann to announce new initiatives. He said NAECO is set to create a new division by expanding into medical technologies by developing precision-machined medical products. NAECO will also invest in immunotherapy applications for treating cancer, Bergmann said.
Bergmann in his comments spoke about the growing extent of NAECO’s business, both nationally and internationally in countries such as France, Malaysia, Mexico and China where the company is a net exporter. He also spoke on NAECO’s commitment to the growing customer base.
“We have an ethic to take care of our customers,” Bergmann said, noting the pivotal contribution of the company’s staff. “Every day we are faced with big challenges, but we have a very good team of people who enjoy serving NAECO’s customers, and in return they have rewarded us with their trust to supply critical materials. We are dedicated to providing a safe and positive working environment for NAECO’s employees.”
Bergmann in his comments also included the person without whose contribution NAECO would not exist.
“Without the support of my wonderful wife and business partner, Tracy, who also serves as NAECO’s human resources manager, none of this would be possible. She and our children make all the hard work very worthwhile,” Bergmann explained.
Along with their company, David and Tracy Bergmann also have a commitment to their community. NAECO is one of a number of businesses interested in the development of a college and career academy within the Fayette County School System.
“We are shipping all over the world, but we are 100 percent invested in Fayette County and plan to stay a long time,” said Bergmann. “In fact, were it not for the fact that Tracy and I wanted to create a local business and stay in Peachtree City, there would be no NAECO.”
All things considered, Tracy and David Bergmann have a lot to show for a dream that began a dozen years ago around the kitchen table. It will be interesting to see what unfolds over the next dozen years.
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