Fayette County GOP endorses Mary Kay Bacallao for School Board

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Fayette County GOP endorses Mary Kay Bacallao for School Board

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On behalf of the Fayette County Republican Party, I wanted to inform you that we are strongly endorsing Mary Kay Bacallao for Post 2 on the Fayette County School Board.

There is only one Republican Candidate in the race and Mary Kay is it.

Her opponent and incumbent school board member has served for 12 years and has been instrumental in the wrong direction that our school board has taken in recent years.

Many of our current fiscal problems in our school system are the result of many bad decisions made by the incumbent.

It was the incumbent that pushed for the building of new un-needed schools when our enrollments were declining.

It was the incumbent who voted for an un-elected, newly appointed school board member to become school board chairman. This same person marched in the Peachtree City 4th of July Parade with the Obama for America entry. Also, the incumbent voted to settle the lawsuit with the NAACP and bring district voting to Fayette County.

We encourage you to vote for Mary Kay Bacallao for school board to bring some badly needed new leadership and ideas.

Mary Kay Bacallao is a true conservative who has a doctorate in education and teaches education at Mercer University. She is the most qualified candidate in the race and will represent our conservative Republican values on the school board.

Fayette County needs a new direction on the school board to restore fiscal sanity and maintain our reputation for high academic standards in our schools. Fayette County needs Mary Kay Bacallao on the Fayette County School Board.

Lane Watts, Chairman

Fayette County Republican Party

Fayetteville, Ga.

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