COS announces Advent activities


In celebration of Christ the King Sunday, Nov. 25, the last Sunday of the church year’s cycle, “one50,” the high school worship band at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, will lead the 10:50 service in the Fellowship Hall. In anticipation of the beginning of Advent a week later (and thus a new church year), people of all ages are invited to take part in a Family Advent-ure at 9:40 a.m. on Nov. 25. Those who are unable to attend on Nov. 25 may do so on Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 5 p.m.

After school on Nov. 28, a group of high-school volunteers will travel to the Operation Christmas Child processing center in North Atlanta to prepare gift boxes for children in more than 90 countries. The shoe-boxes include clothing, small toys, candy, and more, along with notes from the donors.