Whitewater Middle receives hoax bomb threat


Whitewater Middle School was the subject of a bomb threat hoax Thursday after the Federal Burea of Investigation received a message that a teacher had planted a bomb in the school.

Principal Connie Baldwin in a Dec. 21 letter to parents explained how the hoax occurred and what resulted. Baldwin said she was notified Thursday by the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office that a message had been sent to the FBI that one of the school’s teachers was going to bring a bomb to school on Friday set it to go off on Saturday.

“FBI agents were here yesterday to investigate. As a precaution, after school activities were suspended so that bomb dogs could walk the school to make sure there were no issues. No explosive devices were found,” Baldwin said. “The school system and the FBI take these types of threats seriously.”

Baldwin said the investigation concluded that the threat was a hoax.

“One of our students had been communicating with a person over the internet who the child thought was in Europe. The student gave out enough personal information that the individual was able to call the child at home. A conversation took place about the child’s teachers. The individual, using the name of one of the teachers, sent the threat,” Baldwin explained.

Baldwin assured assured parents that Whitewater Middle School is safe, and that protecting the safety of students and staff is the top priority. She said school day ran as scheduled with no incidents resulting from the hoax.

“Now is a good opportunity for you to talk to your children about protecting themselves while using the internet and social media websites. Since we do not know who we are actually communicating with online, personal information should never be shared,” said Baldwin. “Also, encourage your child to report anything suspicious or threatening that he or she may have heard or seen. We investigate all information or tips that are received. In light of what has been happening in schools and other public places around the country, it is important that we all take responsibility in helping to keep our school and community safe by reporting any concerns.”

Baldwin said she would update parents if any additional information on the hoax is forthcoming.