Full slate of activities at Peach Drop


How are you spending New Year’s Eve? Going to a party? Watching football? Maybe take in dinner and a movie? If you haven’t decided yet or have thought about going big, consider the 24th annual Peach Drop at Underground Atlanta. The event features family friendly activities, musical performances and, of course, the 800 pound peach beginning its descent just before midnight.

There will be entertainment on three stages, carnival rides, face painting, balloon artists and vendors starting at 11 a.m. The stage at Kenny’s Alley begins their entertainment schedule with Twin City at 11 a.m. and will feature Fayette County’s own The Silver Comet at 9 p.m. Visitors can also watch the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl and the Peach Drop on the Kenny’s Alley Big Screen. Artists on the Family Fun and Budding Peach stage perform from 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. The performances on the main stage start at 6 p.m. and will conclude with headliners Abbey Road LIVE! at 11:15 p.m.

Performing nationally since 2002, Abbey Road LIVE! is widely recognized as one the most exciting Beatles tribute bands around. Initially a tribute to the monumental “Abbey Road” album, the band has expanded its repertoire to include more than 100 Beatles tunes, from all eras of the Fab Four’s career. Abbey Road LIVE! is not your typical Beatle look-alike act; this show is all about the music of The Beatles. Combining attention to detail with a creative exuberance, Abbey Road LIVE! always delights its audiences with its energetic take on Beatles classics. The addition of live horns and strings allows the band to recreate orchestrated epics such as “Penny Lane,” “I Am The Walrus” and “All You Need Is Love.”

Underground Atlanta asks that the following items NOT be brought onto the property: Pets, bags, backpacks, coolers, picnic baskets, recording devices, roller blades, bikes, skateboards, lawn chairs, weapons and alcoholic beverages (alcoholic beverages can be purchased on the property by patrons 21 years of age and older). 

Visit www.peachdrop.com for more information.