PTC Garden Club tip of the month – January


Since January is the time we all make resolutions, why not resolve this year to document what you are doing in your garden? Experienced gardeners understand the importance of keeping good records. January is the perfect time to start keeping a garden journal!

A garden journal can be as simple as a calendar to jot down information or a loose leaf binder filled with lined paper. You might want to separate your binder into categories since there are several things you want to keep track of in the garden throughout the year.

What to Include in a Garden Journal:

Seasonal calendar of garden tasks – when to plant, apply fertilizer, prune, divide plants, apply pest and disease control, start seeds, harvest vegetables, etc.

Plant inventory and profile – List the plants in your garden and where they are located, including information on how to maintain each plant.

Design drawings – Keep drawings of your existing landscape and other ideas for specific projects you want to do in the future.

Photographic history – Take photos of each location in your garden during spring, summer, fall and winter. Note if you have blooms, color and interest each season. If not, you have a new project to plan!

Resources –magazine articles, materials from the internet, brochures, plant catalogs and tips from other gardeners.

Receipts for purchases and equipment warranties – Some nurseries offer to reimburse you if a plant fails in the first year, so keep your receipts. It also lets you know how much you are spending each year. When you buy new equipment, keep copies of the instructions and warranties.

Wish List – Write down your dreams of what you would like to do in the garden, plants you want to add and equipment you want to buy.

The Peachtree City Garden Club meets the first Tuesday of the month (September – May) at 10:00 a.m. (social time at 9:30) at The Bridge Community Center.
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