Blood drive in Senoia Monday


The Optimist Club of Senoia will sponsor a blood drive for the Senoia area on Monday, Feb. 4. The community drive will be held in the Fellowship Hall of the Senoia United Methodist Church. The hours of the drive will be from 1-6 p.m. 

Some people, because of medical and other reasons, cannot give blood. That is understandable. A number of people do give blood, and their actions are truly appreciated as they literally can help to save lives. Many people have either rarely or never donated the “gift of life” because it might be at least a little bit painful, or it might not be the most convenient thing for them to do. As the late Winston Churchill is sometimes quoted, “From what we get we make a living. From what we give we make a life”. In terms of helping to “make a life”, we can certainly do that if we make the simple effort to give blood.

Those who may not have yet decided to donate the “gift of life” are encouraged to look at the online story on YouTube about Madeline, a 6 year old battling cancer. To learn more about the importance of blood during her treatment, visit Remember, too, that there are countless others, young and old, who need your support of this and future blood drives.

Those who give at the Senoia blood drive will obviously know they have done something to benefit others, but, in addition to this feeling of accomplishment, each participant will be rewarded with a free gift of special coupons from a number of restaurants and other merchants in Senoia. In addition, all blood donors will be entered into a drawing for a $1,000 gift card to a home improvement store. Senoia Optimists also plan to serve their delicious grilled cheese sandwiches along with cookies and juice provided by the American Red Cross. 

The Senoia United Methodist Church, site of the blood drive, is in the historic district of Senoia and is located at 229 Bridge Street.  It is at the intersection of Seavy and Bridge Streets. For those not familiar with the area, you can turn east at the downtown intersection of Main Street and Seavy Street, and go past the Veranda Bed & Breakfast towards the City Park or State Highway 85.  The church is on the right, only about 2 blocks east of Main Street.

It is anticipated that those who donated at the Optimist Club’s last blood drive will be personally notified about the upcoming effort and given the opportunity to schedule their appointments to better meet their needs. If necessary, potential donors may either contact Senoia Optimist Club member and blood drive coordinator Ivie Bowman at 678-378-7151 or the Senoia United Methodist Church office at 770-599-3245.   

Donors at the Senoia blood drive are again asked to bring one or more non-perishable food items. Optimist Club members will collect these items and make them available to a local food bank in order to help those around us who are in need. 

Please make your plans now to attend this critical blood drive. Your help is needed to prevent the delay or cancellation of surgeries and other life-saving procedures.

A single pint of blood can be safely donated every 56 days, and this important opportunity will allow the citizens in and around the Senoia area to once again rise to the need. 

Most healthy people age 17 and older or 16 with parental consent, who weigh at least 110 pounds, are eligible to donate blood.  For more information, please call 1-800-GIVE LIFE (448-3543) or visit

The Senoia Area blood drive is sponsored by the Senoia Optimists on a quarterly basis. If you would like to learn how you can help in this or another worthwhile project sponsored by the Senoia Optimist Club, please contact club President Tony Bell at 770-599-3981 or 770-632-9052 or visit the Senoia club’s web site at