The Carnegie and Newnan Coweta Art Association rotate art for the spring


The Carnegie and the Newnan Coweta Art Association have partnered up to present a variety of art. The Newnan Coweta Art Association has rotating exhibits in the Carnegie. There is an art gallery on the second level. A reception with the artists will be held on Tuesday, February 26 from 2:30 – 4 p.m. The public is invited to meet the artists and stroll and look at the art.

“Our program and meeting room attendees really enjoy strolling through the art gallery.  The Newnan Coweta Art Association has once again provided us with a wonderful variety of paintings. This is the largest exhibit we have had and it looks amazing!” said Amy Mapel, Carnegie Director.

The NCAA artists being displayed will be the following:
Main Gallery: Jenny Jones, Sandra Carter, Martin Pate, Susan Boehms-Harris, Cecil Cornwell, Richard Doss, Kem Kowa, Debbie McNeil, RL Hughey, Ellen Guillory, Corinne Galla, Cecelia Hilton, Sheri Anderson, Pam Giles, Barbara Kelly, Ken Hamilton, Rebecca Wayne, Ellie Farrington, Cheryl Vickers, Sandy Holcomb, Helen Hayes, Silvia Feenaghty, Faye Holzaepfel, Eunice Nichols, Suzanne Caldwell, Gina Byrom, Rusty Sharp

About Newnan Coweta Art Association (NCAA):
NCAA meets the third Thursday each month (from September through May) at the Harriet Alexander Art Center on Hospital Road at 7 p.m. An art demonstration is presented each month. Visitors and new members are welcome. 

About the Carnegie:
Restored by the City of Newnan in 2009, the Carnegie has brought back library type services in the downtown area. The bottom floor of the building serves as a reading room and the second floor as a meeting space. Among its many offerings, the Carnegie brings popular magazines and newspapers, computer workstations and Wi-Fi access, a gallery for local exhibits, meeting rooms with warming kitchen and programs for adults and children. The Carnegie serves the public with a non-circulating reading room, children’s area, and an art gallery.

For more information on the Carnegie, please visit  or email [email protected]