FCHS Band Boosters prepare for 2013 Miss Pride of Fayette County Pageant


    The current court of Miss Prides of Fayette County prepare for this year’s event.: (front, L-R) Sofy Barahona and Lilly Taubert; (back row, L-R) Elizabeth Greenberg, Kelsey Davis and Victoria St. John. The Fayette County High School Band Boosters will hold the 45th Annual Miss Pride of Fayette County Pageant March 15 and March 16. The pageant is open to girls 3 years of age through 12th grades. Contestants must reside in Fayette County or attend a Fayette County School. The Pageant has been a fundraiser for the Fayette County High School Band for the last 45 years and has raised thousands of dollars for the band. The winners will represent Fayette County in parades and functions throughout Fayette County during their reign. For more information email, [email protected] or call 770-842-3710 after 4 pm. Photo/Special.