Peachtree City celebrates Arbor Day with tree planting


15-foot Shumard oak donated by local resident Ed Jackson

Peachtree City celebrated Arbor Day on Friday, Feb. 15, with a mayoral proclamation and tree planting in the median of Riley Parkway at Wisdom Road.

The site was chosen because a large, solitary oak tree had to be removed from the site in January after arborists confirmed its death, according to Betsy Tyler, city clerk and public information officer.

Council Members Vanessa Fleisch and Kim Learnard and several residents attended the planting, including students from nearby Peachtree City Elementary School.

Mayor Don Haddix opened the ceremony with a word of thanks to Peachtree City resident Ed Jackson, owner of Blumenhaus Landscapes, who donated the 15-foot Shumard oak along with the services of his crew for the tree-planting.

The Shumard oak is one of the largest of the Southern red oaks, and will ultimately reach 80 feet in height, with a span of 60 to 70 feet. The leaves are dark green and will turn bright red or orange in late fall. The Shumard grows fairly quickly for an oak, and by the time it is 25 years old, will produce acorns that area wildlife such as squirrels, birds, deer, and turkeys will enjoy, Tyler said.

Shumard oaks are long-lived, with some specimens known to have reached 400 years or more. The new tree will be protected and nourished by mulch from the ground stump of the old oak tree it replaced, Tyler said.