Good Shepherd Baptist is celebrating five years of faith


The Church of the Good Shepherd-Baptist in South Fulton County is celebrating five years of service to the community. Dr. Matthew V. Johnson Sr., pastor, founded the church to provide a worship experience “free of false promises” and a Bible Study “where the unadulterated Word of God is taught with truth and conviction.”

Johnson says, “At Good Shepherd, you don’t have to sacrifice your intellect on the altar of your faith.”

Johnson is a graduate of Morehouse College and earned his masters and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Chicago. He is a published author, teaches at Interdenominational Theological Seminary, and hosts a weekly live call-in radio show called Soul AFire with Dr. Matthew V. Johnson ( ).

The congregation worships in the theater of the former Association of Black Cardiologists building at 5355 Hunter Road in South Fulton County.