A rezoning request that enables the installation of a drive-thru kiosk for the proposed restaurant at Truett Cathy’s new Waterfall commercial development on Ga. Highway 54 and Grady Avenue received unanimous approval March 21 by the Fayetteville City Council.
Specific to the westernmost of the two buildings situated on the southeast corner of the intersection, the request would have that building rezoned from C-1 (Downtown Commercial) to C-3 (Highway Commercial) to accommodate the installation of a drive-thru kiosk at the restaurant site for which the finishing touches are being made.
The restaurant itself will feature Hawaiian-themed food, along with Chick-fil-A staples.
The rezoning request did not include the other Waterfall building situated immediately to the east.
The development is situated within the Main Street Historic District.
The city’s Planning and Zoning Commission in February recommended the rezoning request for approval.
The main feature of the development, a 9-foot by 70-foot arc-shaped waterfall located at the corner of Grady Avenue and Hwy. 54, is one intended to make a visual statement while serving as a gateway to Fayetteville’s west side.
“The Waterfall center demonstrates Truett Cathy’s desire to make the center a destination and to supply the distinction that will make it a showplace,” project manager Gary Gettis said previously.
The unique waterfall made its official debut on March 14 when it became operational as Cathy, his family and a large number of guests looked on during the center’s grand opening.
The center also houses the new headquarters of the Fayette Chamber of Commerce, which also had a ribbon-cutting ceremony presided over by Cathy.
Chamber President and CEO Virginia Gibbs welcomed over 175 people into The Chamber Meeting Place and expressed appreciation to Cathy for making it possible for the chamber to expand into the new space.
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