Widow: Elderly need your compassion


The letter [The Citizen, April 24, 2013] was not a hoax. On the other hand I was not asking for help, and I would die of embarrassment if anyone found out who I was, thus no signature.

My doctor that I confided in is fixing my tub.

The point of my letter was to get people to understand that some of the elderly are alone and lonely, and a visit from a neighbor helps.

Another point of my letter is for children to be more understanding with their elderly parents, and a little time is all we want.

We know you work and weekends are a time to relax, but we need visits and a little time, too, [and] a phone call. It all helps time to pass when you are not able to get out and shop and do the things we did when we were young.

If I made even one person think about their parents, or one person visit a neighbor, then I accomplished my goal.

Not help for me — I don’t need groceries, and I will make it on the income I have, but when everything happens at once, it can get you down.

I said in my letter I didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me.

Unsigned widow