Religion Briefs 06/0513


Word of Life FMC to host Youth Rally
Word of Life Free Methodist Church in Fayetteville will host a Youth Rally on June 8 from noon until 4 p.m. in the church parking lot.The event will feature free food, free games, free giveaways, live music and vendors. The church also is looking for donations to help with its ministry for human trafficking around the world. The church is at 405 Fayette Place Fayetteville, behind the Dairy Queen in the Harvest Community Shopping Center, in front of the Wings and Things Restaurant.

Free VBS at Providence UMC
Providence UMC invites all children entering kindergarten through fifth grade to join the fun at Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible School from 9 a.m.-noon June 10-14. VBS is free and will feature games, experiments, snacks and music. VBS t-shirts and CDs are $5 each. Contact children’s minister Cathy Fralish at [email protected] or 770-719-8800 ext. 2209 for a registration form. Providence is at 592 Bernhard Rd. in southern Fayette County between Redwine Road and Ga. Hwy 85.