Column ignores South’s racist past


I was interested to read the article by David Richardson in the Opinion section of your June 5 edition. It was interesting that you chose to publish Mr. Richardson’s thoughts that show an astonishing ignorance of the Jim Crow South.

Of course, Mr. Richardson is entitled to his opinion, but he is not entitled to manufacturing his own facts.

First, it appears from his background and comments that he is from Great Britain or somewhere in Europe. Second, he obviously has no grasp of the history of the South, especially the Jim Crow South. He has not had to live through that era of our history as I have, being a 74-year-old man. Thirdly, he shows an ignorance of the NAACP and what it stands for.

I too have lived in Fayette County for 24 years. In all that time, I have only seen one black elected to county-wide office.

Obviously, Mr. Richardson has never carefully examined the credentials and qualifications of black candidates who have run for elected office and got few white votes in spite of their qualifications.

Yet, the “open minded” people of Fayette County, as Mr. Richardson chooses to call to call us, have seen fit to elect the likes of Robert Horgan to the Board of Commissioners and other whites with lesser qualifications than black candidates to the Board of Education.

So, Mr. Beverly, it is people such as Mr. Richardson who justify why we need district voting in Fayette County. It is interesting that those who are against district voting always make it a racial issue. What it is about is “equal representation.” It doesn’t matter if a candidate is black, white blue or green as long as they represent the interests of their constituents.

Mr. Beverly, would you please publish this so the people of Fayette County can see another side of this issue. Also, would you please publish the previous letter I wrote to you. Since you have the “bully pulpit,” do the county a favor and publish both sides of this issue.

Dan Lowry
Fayetteville, Ga.

[The editor replies: Perhaps you missed your letter titled “Time to support district voting” that was posted online May 28 and appeared in the print edition May 29. I will publish what I receive on this subject from Fayette residents.]