Religion Briefs 06/12/13


Crosspoint church VBS starts June 16
Crosspoint Community Church, 300 Tivoli Garden in Peachtree City, will have Vacation Bible School for K-fifth grade June 16 – 20 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. The theme is “Awakening.” For more information, call 770-631-0996.

St. Gabriel VBS starts June 17
The Catholic Church of Saint Gabriel, 152 Antioch Road in Fayetteville, will hold Vacation Bible School  June 17 – 21 from 9 a.m. to noon each day.   Children age four years old through rising fifth graders are welcome to participate in “Kingdom Rock.”   There is a $20 registration fee per child.   Call 770-461-0493 for more information.

Woolsey VBS is June 17-21
Woolsey Baptist Church is having Vacation Bible School June 17-21, 2013, from 9 a.m. until  12:30 p.m.  This year’s theme is: “Colossal Coaster World- Facing Fears, Trusting God.” Children ages four years through sixth grade (completed) can register online at  The church is at 115 Hampton Road in Fayetteville.  Call the church office, 770- 461- 9618, for more information.

Gospel and praise concert set for June 22
On Saturday, June 22, Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church in Riverdale will have a Potluck Dinner beginning at 6 p.m. followed by a Gospel and Praise Concert at 7 p.m. The concert will feature  Voices of Hope along with another choir or two from the area. In addition, Allen Ries and Kevin Jacobson, composer/performer/recording artist, will perform special pieces. Bring a main dish and salad or dessert to share. A free-will offering will be taken and the money will be used toward purchasing new robes. The church is at 2165 Ga. Hwy.  138, SW, Riverdale. Phone 770-997- 7117 or email [email protected] for more information.

COS VBS starts June 24
Vacation Bible School at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, Peachtree City, is scheduled for Monday, June 24, to Thursday, June 27, from 9 a.m. – noon. Water Day is Friday, June 28, from 9 – 11 a.m. “Splash in God’s Word” is for children age 4 (born before 9/1/09) through completed fifth grade. A donation of $10 per child is requested. Each day features Bible stories with live skits, science, crafts, games and more. Family night and an Ice Cream Social are planned for Thursday,June 27. Families may sign up online by visiting COS Vacation Bible School Registration.

VBS at FFUMC is June 24-28
Vacation Bible School at Fayetteville First United Methodist Church will meet the week of June 24-28 from 9 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. for Kingdom Rock. Children ages three (as of 1/1/2013) through fifth grade are invited to enter the epic adventure that empowers kids to stand strong. Cost is $5 per child (if registered before June 1). The cost increases to $10 after June 1, Cost includes a t-shirt and music CD. Registration forms are available now. Call the church, 770-461-4313, for more information.