Fairy tales and what Obama is wearing


When I was a child my mother read me the fairy tale of “The King Who Wore No Clothes.”

Today, amid all the Obama administration scandals, fellow Democrats, Obama worshipers, and the majority of the mainstream media praise and defend the administration on its policies and leadership capabilities.

Meanwhile, other Americans see this in a more realist mode and strongly disagree with the self-worship of the administration antics.

So as the fairy tale of ages ago becomes today’s reality, Obama is walking amongst us, naked and unashamed of his new attire.

His faithful returners follow close behind, praising and lauding his new clothes of finery.

Those who see him in real time and have a different opinion of his finery, see him parade before us naked – and he should be ashamed.

So today, what was once only a fairy tale told to me as a child has become a stark reality when I am an adult.

John Sharpe
Fayetteville, Ga.