North Carolina mission


High School Youth from Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church left July 8 for a week-long mission trip to Franklin, N.C. where 30 percent of the people do not have enough to eat. The group will work daily with CareNet, a food pantry, and on weekends with Backpack Food Ministry. They will also do renovation projects for their hosts, Life Church.

Youth and sponsors shown above, front row (L-R) Youth and Family Ministry Director Jeremy Hall, Pastor Miriam Beecher, Emily Bunker, Greta Pfundt, Molly Scheumann, Maya Wilkins, Jamie Callison, Duncan White, Connor White, Jack deFrances, and Ross Marshall. Back row (L-R), sponsors Brian and Sue-Lynn White, Marissa Owen, Robert White, Madi Bunker, Reed Livingston, sponsor Ashley Hall, Jarred Hall, Maddie Hersom, Will Sanders, sponsor Jon Scheumann, and driver Jon Clayton. Photo/Special.