Youth advisory board established for group aiming at reducing family abuse


The organizational meeting for the newly formed Youth Advisory Board (YAB) for the non-profit Family Patterns Matter, Inc. was held on July 22 in Summer Grove in Newnan.

The sole mission of Family Patterns Matter (FPM) is to provide generational interventions that break the destructive patterns of abuse in families so that the next generation has an opportunity to thrive, according to FPM director Linda Kirkpatrick.

“FPM provides comprehensive outreach programs and support for participating youth. Each ripple is an experience in a child’s life that defines who they are,” Kirkpatrick said. “By understanding their perspective, we know positive influence and support entering a child’s life, at any age can change the dynamics of their future.”

During the meeting officers were chosen, including president AnnaLisa Chavez of Landmark Christian School; vice president Shelby Martin of Heritage School, secretary Somer Dooley of University of West Georgia and alternate secretary Gigi Ormsby, of Smokey Road Middle School. 

During the meeting the board discussed a mission statement: “Empowering youth of today to be leaders tomorrow.”

Common topics of concern in pre-teens  and teens were identified as:

· Bullying-dealing with being victimized and prevention.

· Self-worth – spreading awareness of depression, self-harm (cutting) and eating disorders which are caused by low self-esteem. The outcome is for youth to know how important each one is and what they are worth.

· Stepping Up – Overcoming the downfalls and temptations that come along with being a pre-teen/teenager by stepping up and realizing we have responsibilities as the future leaders of tomorrow.

Those interested in being part of this new youth advisory board please contact [email protected]  or Linda Kirkpatrick at [email protected].

The next meeting is August 12 at 6:30 p.m. in room 103 at the Central Education Center in Newnan.

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