What’s on the ballot?


    All voters in Fayette County, regardless of whether they live in a city or the unincorporated county, have something to vote about before election day ends Tuesday at 7 p.m.

    Everyone gets a say on the proposed two-year core infrastructure SPLOST, and Peachtree City will elect a mayor and three council members. Those in the unincorporated county also face a separate measure that would allow alcohol sales by the drink, as an alcohol referendum approved last year only addressed package alcohol sales at locations in unincorporated Fayette.

    Citizens of Tyrone also have one seat to fill on the town council, with Post 3 incumbent Ken Matthews being opposed by challenge Pota Coston, who has served on the county’s ethics board.

    Because only one person qualified for each council vacancy in Fayetteville, there are no city elections this year, but like everyone else Fayetteville residents can weigh in on the proposed sales tax.

    Even the small town of Woolsey has an extra item beyond the countywide sales tax initiative. Woolsey voters must settle a 20-20 tie recorded in the last town election on the matter of permitting alcohol package sales on Sundays between 12:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. One of the smallest incorporated areas of the county, Woolsey had 108 registered voters as of the previous election.

    Early voting continues 8 a.m. through 5 p.m. daily until the close of business Friday, with locations at the Peachtree City and Tyrone libraries and the county elections office in downtown Fayetteville.

    Voters who miss that deadline will have to wait until Tuesday and must report to their assigned precinct between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. to cast a ballot.