Fayette County Visioning process is underway


By Robert Ross and Trey Ragsdale

The diverse members of the Steering Committee for the Fayette County visioning process were busy last week preparing information requests from our partner, Market Street Services.

As Market Street begins the next steps in their analysis, they will begin to conduct extensive research on a range of geographical, community and economic factors. The group will present their findings at a Community Leadership meeting on Dec. 9, 2013.

Market Street will use a variety of data sources, including three selected counties who have similar demographics as Fayette County, as well as other differentiating qualities and competitive workforce environments.

This data comparison will be utilized in the assessment process to provide further insight into our county’s strengths and weakness to foster a more strategic focus on our future opportunities.

The Steering Committee also confirmed ten populations that will meet in focus groups of 10-15 citizens each this Dec. 9 through Dec. 11, 2013.

Example groups include Educators, Young Professionals, Large/Small Businesses, Commuters, Life Enrichment (faith, community, non-profits), Recreation & Amenities, and Seniors. MSS will develop tailored questions and key topics to help them moderate the groups’ discussions.

The committee also began developing a list of another diverse dozen and a half citizens for in-depth interviews by experienced MSS Project Associates. MSS will compile responses, analyze them, and explain common themes and outlying comments (anonymously) from respondents for Fayette County to consider in our vision.

To capture ideas and opinions from an even broader audience (the entire county, actually!), Market Street Services will host online surveys and blogs.

In addition, Fayette County Development Authority CEO, Matt Forshee, is planning a Familiarization Tour on Nov. 14, 2013 for Market Street team members. This on-the-ground tour will include key Fayette County facilities, businesses, resources, geographical features, etc., to provide our Market Street partners with a first-hand look at unique aspects (including pros and cons) of our cherished county. If you see the van, be sure to wave!

Lastly, our new Fayette Visioning website is in development and we look forward to having the ability to post real-time information, surveys, blogs, presentations, reports and more in the very near future.

Thank you to everyone who has already contacted us to send your ideas, questions and offers of in-kind contributions/financial donations.

Please note that we now have a new email address: [email protected]. As always, we look forward to hearing from you during this exciting process.

Trey Ragsdale and Bob Ross, Co-Chairs
Fayette County Visioning Process