Parade marshals announced


The city of Newnan’s annual Christmas parade will is December 8, beginning at 3 p.m. The parade begins at Salbide Avenue and Greenville Streets.  It’s a “Winter Wonderland” so bring on your snow!  The parade will include floats, walking groups, decorated cars and trucks, and marching bands. 
This year, the city is proud to announce Newnan’s Hometown Heroes Newnan Police and Fire personnel; honoring those that serve the community every day.
Newnan Officer Chad Woods has been with the police department for 15 years. Newnan Officer Brent McComas has been with the police department for 11 years. They were both selected because they were able to complete their college degrees, while working full time hours and maintaining their family life and community activities.
Newnan Fire Driver Engineer Johnny Minix has been employed with the city of Newnan Fire Department for 36 years.
 As a driver engineer he has have several responsibilities the most important being, transporting himself and others to and from emergency and non-emergency situations in a safe manner.
“In the past 35 years, I’ve been a part of the growth of this city and met many new people and experienced life changing endeavors. I have not only grown from things and the many experiences, but I have been able to touch the lives of others while being touched myself through tragedies of a lost love one going home to a new beginning. One of the most touching moments in my career was in 1981 when I rescued an 8 month old child from an apartment fire where I received the Ga. Firefighters Association award for valor and the National Heroism award from Firehouse Magazine. Being a Driver Engineer (Sergeant) has been life-changing and worth it all. I’ve not only made many friends, but instead, I’ve built a brother and sisterhood that will last a life-time.”
Sergeant Vic Kline has been in the fire service since Feb. 2000. He has been employed with the city of Newnan Fire Dept. from Feb. 2000-present. Sgt. Kline has also been certified as a police officer in 2001. But, he has made the fire service his primary career.
Sergeant Kline has been proactive in furthering his career in attending many extra training classes, to better his knowledge pertaining to do his job as a fire fighter. At the present time he is in EMT school, which will allow him to give better patient care, while waiting on the medics to arrive on the scene.
 Kline has been very dedicated to his job and to the NFD. He made sergeant, March, 2005 for his knowledge and faithfulness to the department, as well as to the citizens of the city of Newnan.

Norma Haynes will also be a part of the grand marshals as a special guest of Newnan Police and Fire as she is endearingly known in the community as the ‘Mother of Public Safety. ‘
 If you are interested in being in the parade, contact Gina Snider or Stacie Frazier at City of Newnan at 770-253-2682 ext 202 or 203 or go to  and download an application.  The completed application can be faxed to 770-254-2353 or mailed to 25 LaGrange Street, Newnan, GA 30263 along with the $35 entry fee.  Applications must be received by November 30.