PTC mayor’s race to be settled Tuesday


Perhaps you got wrapped up in Thanksgiving prep, or a bad case of the Black Friday jitters. But there is still an election to settle in Peachtree City: determining who will be the mayor for the next four years starting in January.

If you forgot to vote early, the train has left the station. The last day to early vote was Wednesday due to the extended holiday weekend.

But you are not out of luck, as the polls will open Tuesday for you to cast your ballot in favor of either current council member Vanessa Fleisch or former mayor Harold Logsdon.

Both bring a significant amount of experience to the table, as Logsdon served one four-year term as mayor from 2006 to 2009 and Fleisch is wrapping up her first term as a council member.

Fleisch and Logsdon were the top two vote-getters in the regular city election several weeks ago and as such are facing off in the runoff election. The runoff was needed since none of the five candidates in the field won the race outright with more than 50 percent of the vote.

As always, turnout is expected to be lighter in the runoff election due to voter fatigue and other reasons. For some this might become even more motivation to vote as your single vote can count for more percentage wise in what could very well be a close race.

Fleisch got the most votes in the general election with 39.2% and Logsdon pulled in 27.4%. What remains to be seen until election day is how voters who picked the other three candidates will choose between the remaining two … or if they even show up to the polls at all.

The final tally will be counted Tuesday night by the Fayette County Elections office. Results will be published at when they are available.

Below, mayoral runoff candidate and former Mayor Harold Logsdon.