F’ville Council may create Pye Lake watershed area


The Fayetteville City Council on Thursday will consider establishing a watershed district on the south side of Pye Lake to help resolve issues with increasing stormwater runoff.

In identifying the need for the establishment of the Pye Lake Southern Tributary Special Watershed District, Public Services Director Chris Hindman in a Jan. 6 letter said, “Concerned with the potential of increased stormwater runoff flows through the southern tributary that feeds into Pye Lake, staff had our engineering consultant perform an analysis of the southern watershed basin. Approximately 362 acres of property drains into the southern tributary with minimal detention ponds within the basin due to development occurring before ponds were required.”

The unnamed stream passes under Ga. Highway 54 approximately 1,100 feet east of Sharon Drive near The Villages residential development. The stream’s watershed basin totals approximately 362 acres. The stream drains into Pye Lake which is located near the north end of Sharon Drive.

The proposed watershed district includes a large portion of land south of Hwy. 54 that extends east and south from the entire length of Grady Avenue to the Fayette County government complex near Ga. Highway 85.

The proposed watershed district also includes The Villages development on the north side of Hwy. 54 and homes on the east side of Sharon Drive.

Pye Lake is situated immediately south of Hood Avenue east of Ginger Cake Road.

If approved by the council after the second reading of the ordinance later this month, the decision will lead to the establishment of the new watershed district.