Southside staging civil rights drama


Southside Theatre Guild is proud to announce in celebration of Black History Month the award winning play, “Waiting to be Invited.” The play will be performed beginning Feb. 6 and running for the next three weekends. “Waiting to be Invited” takes place in 1964  Atlanta.

Four middle-aged black women, co-workers from a local doll factory, travel by city bus to a “whites only” eating establishment inside a downtown Atlanta department store. Their purpose is to “test” their newly acquired civil rights handed down by the Supreme Court outlawing segregation in eating establishments.
This funny, touching play received the Kennedy Center Roger L. Stevens Award for New Playwrights and the Adrienne Kennedy Award for Most Promising Young Dramatist.

Directed by Shannon Timberlake and starring Cheryl Booker, Kristi Garrett, Adrienne Harris, Lauran Wilkerson, Louisa Grant and Jason Louder, the play is sure to entertain but will leave you with a powerful message as well.  
Tickets can be purchased at or by calling the theatre box office at 770-969-0956 or emailing at [email protected].