The community is invited to a ribbon cutting at the Children’s Village at Christian City Feb. 21. The event is to celebrate completion of two new facilities on campus — the long awaited Crisis Stabilization Cottage and a new Multi-Court Recreational Facility.
Both will be valuable additions to the ministry of The Children’s Village at Christian City, and are the result of generous support from the community. Collaborators included The John and Polly Sparks Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, Resurgens Charitable Foundation, Delta Air Lines, Georgia Power employees, The Gray Ghosts, Square Foot Ministry, Tim Hudson Family Foundation, Dale Cardwell, and others.
The Multi-Court Recreational Facility provides space for children to enjoy a wide range of activities including basketball, volleyball, tennis, soccer, badminton, lacrosse, and shuffle board. The facility is also designed for all ability levels, making it accessible for children with differing levels of mental and physical capabilities.
The Crisis Stabilization Cottage offers a safe haven for abandoned, abused, or otherwise homeless children in crisis. The cottage will also be used for children coming to the Children’s Village through the National Safe Place program which provides protection for children who have run away from home or have been removed from their home by a parent/guardian.
The ribbon cutting will take place at 2 p.m. on the campus of the Children’s Village at Christian City Light refreshments will follow. The campus is located at 7345 Red Oak Road, Union City, Ga. 30291. Please RSVP to [email protected], or call 770-703-2636.
Delta Air Lines employees (above) helped raise the walls of the Crisis Stabilization Center, which is shown completed, below. Photos/Special.