Special Olympics helpers


Youth and sponsors from Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, Peachtree City traveled to North Atlanta to assist with Special Olympics recently.

Those helping were (front row, L-R): Tyler Jacobson, Quinn Biddle, and Calder Zimmerman; (second row, L-R) Melissa Jacobson, youth ministry director, Kiersten Schwab, Nicolai Schwab, Liam Rietschier, Ansley Jacobson, and Morgan Wiese; (third row, L-R) John Edgeworth, Roger Callison, Lauren Fulton, Chip Zimmerman, Molly Scheumann (partially hidden), Samantha Grivno, and Wylie Watlington; (back row, L-R) Michelle Schwab, Carl Griffiths, Sam Reising, Lilly Barnett, MInka Fulton (hidden), Clara Zimmerman, Lisette Rietschier, and Jeffrey Grivno. With the group but not pictured were Max Rietschier, Scott Jacobson, Skyler Martin, Markus Schwab, Jon Scheumann, Riley Scruggs, and Liz Vega. Photo/Special.